The Harrison County North Rail-Trail follows the West Fork River from North View in Clarksburg north, ending at a dead-end just south of the tiny communities of Spelter and Meadowbrook. Recently repaired, the trail offers a scenic, albeit rough, route through dense woodlands with periodic water views.
Harrison County and the newly-formed Harrison Rail-Trails, Inc. are currently working on extending the trail north, south and west, with eventual plans calling for connections with the popular West Fork River Trail and North Bend Rail-Trail, as well as the developing Harrison South Rail-Trail.
Trail Manager Contact
Charlotte Shaffer
Harrison County Planning Director
301 W. Main St.
Clarksburg, WV 26301
(304)624-8692 direct
(304)672-0979 cell
Part of the Industrial Heartland Trails Coalition Parkersburg to Pittsburgh Corridor
Part of the American Discovery Trail
(Friends Of) Harrison Rail-Trails Facebook-