Outdoor meet-up Groups, Cycling and Running Groups in West Virginia
It can be fun to join other outdoor adventure seekers. There is a wide-range of group recreation that can be found across WV from birding, kayaking to weekly walks, runs, and group rides for every age and skill level.
Country Road Cyclists- promote the fun of bicycling through group rides, cycling advocacy, new-cyclist encouragement, social events, and the dissemination of safety and skills information. http://www.crcyclists.org
Hike it Baby- a meetup group for families with young children.
WV Physical Activity Network. Find your interests either close to home or to a town you are visiting. Many activities to choose from, though not all, take place on rail-trails.
Running, Walking and Cycling Events
Learn more about local happenings by going to local rail-trail website and facebook pages. In addition, many walks, runs, and cycling events can be found at www.iplayoutside.com